Admission at BPS Maqsoodapur is open from class PNC to VIII
Admission process Stab with the counseling session including entrance test & personal interview and ends with the receipt of admission fee & entry into the record register. The date of test & interview would be informed at thetime of registration.
The registration form should be submitted in the office duly filled by specified dateas given by the school.
The school reservesthe rights of admission of students.
The school timings & session staffing date will be communicated at the timeof admission.
The school requires more than 85% attendance of the children. If child is absent from school, an application from parents must be made in advance. Failure to do so will result in absence being recorded as unauthorized and will have to be included in child's report. On abstaining for 10 days without prior information, the admission of child shall be cancelled & re-admission on repayment of admission fees shall be at sole direction of Management.
The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practices,
Knowledge and understanding are life's faithful companions, who will never prove untrue to you. As knowledge is your crown ....